If you are looking for someone in the Airport’s Terminals or Concourse, you may visit or call the Information Counters located in Terminal A: (703) 417-3972 , Terminal B/C Concourse level: (703) 417-1806, or Terminal B/C Baggage Claim: (703) 417-3974 to have that person paged. Paging may also be arranged by contacting the airline on which the passenger is arriving or departing. Blue courtesy phones can also be used for paging and general Airport information. They are conveniently located throughout the Airport. When you pick up the phone, you will be instantly connected to one of our Information Counters. Courtesy Phones Do you have a question about the Airport? Do you need to find a specific gate? Do you need to page a passenger? Well why don’t you pick up one of our courtesy phones? Courtesy phones, identified by their blue color, are located throughout the Airport. Pick up a handset and you’ll be instantly connected to the Information Counters. Our phones are answered by Travelers Aid between the hours of 9:00am-9:00pm Monday through Friday, 9:00am-7:00pm Saturday, and 8:00am-8:00pm Sundays. After hours, the courtesy phones are managed by Airport Operations 7 days a week |